Sunday, June 24, 2012

Education Report

From the Education VP It’s summer already, but we are already planning for the next school year at CSH. If you have not already done so, please do register your children for Hebrew & Religious school. While the Early Bird registration period is over, new students can still register without a registration fee. Forms are available at the synagogue. Please remember that you must be in good standing financially in order to register your student. We need you to register well before school begins so we can plan for the coming school year. The first day of school is September 9th. We have some things to kvel about in our congregation family. Mazal tov to our Pre-K/Kindergarten teacher, Ms. Patti Nesrsta, as she was named Deer Park ISD’s Secondary Teacher of the Year! What an accomplishment and we are sure is well-deserved. And also a sincere Mazal Tov to our own Jake Kornblau who was named Valedictorian of Clear Creek High School! Congratulations to the whole family. If you have anything that you think needs “kvelling” about, please send an email, and we’ll try to get it in the next article. We are trying to put together an Education Committee for the coming school year and would like you to seriously consider joining us. Ultimately we would love to have someone from every grade/age group represented. This committee will meet monthly during school hours and would support the school by problem-solving issues that come up, working on the curriculum, and offering assistance with special events. And sometimes we bring refreshments J If you are interested or have questions, please contact us. Lastly, there is a contest going on you should know about. Please share this with your kids: This is a creative writing contest asking your child to share a short story explaining what they think makes our rabbi so special. And there is a lot of material in our Rabbi Federow that is so special to write about! The details are on the website. Good luck! Wishing you all an enjoyable summer with your families, B’shalom, Nancy Weiss & Katy Izygon