Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Co-President's Report

We are both very excited to be the co-presidents of Congregation Shaar Hashalom.  We are meeting with the our synagogue committees and our synagogue families to discuss ideas for activities, Shabbat Services and fundraising to name a few.

Perhaps, you think that synagogues run themselves. However, that is not the case, and many people volunteer many hours to help see that it runs smoothly. Did you know that there are many studies that show a link between volunteering and increased feelings of self-worth? Some of our committees include fundraising, education, social action, membership, ritual and facilities. Come and join one of these committees or the many other activities at our synagogue and share your expertise with your congregation,.
Our board meetings are held on every third Thursday of the month at 7pm and are open to all members.
We are looking forward to meeting and talking to each one of you in the coming months and are eager to learn your ideas about what our synagogue can do for you and your family.  Feel free to email or call us to share your ideas and please tell us which committee of our synagogue you would like to participate.  
Sandy Ostrosky  
Debbie Angel